Muhammed Zaynalli
Pasha Holding – Administrative affairs specialist
Our cooperation on the "DəyərliSən" project is currently ongoing. As a team, you are always supported with prompt, result-oriented and lasting solutions. I hope that our cooperation and cooperation will continue in the near future on an increasing line.

Rashad Rasullu
Azerbaijan Judo Federation General Secretary
Thanks to Crocusoft's professionalism and customer orientation, we updated our website in a short period of time. I can easily recommend cooperation with this team to everyone.

Vusal Mammadov
Caspiantech, General Director
Crocusoft is one of our most trusted partners. During the last 3 years, we have made many complex software solutions together with this company and replaced the solutions we bought from abroad with local versions, thanks to which we have reached more stable and more favorable positions.

Vusal Akbarov
Veysəloğlu-Head of Software Development department
Thank you for creating local products that can enter the world market based on modern technology.

Vusal Karimov
Head of Digital Marketing
Bərabər çalışdığımız hər bir layihəni doğru həllərlə və dəqiq zamanında təhvil verdiyiniz üçün təşəkkür edirəm. OBA Market mobil tətbiqi üzərində verdiyiniz UI&UX və unikal funksionallıq həlləri bizi olduqca məmnun etmişdir. Komandanızın çalışqan, səbrli və yaradıcı olması isə xüsusi diqqət çəkir. Biznesinizin rəqəmsal inkişafı üçün hər bir layihəni Crocusoft şirkətinə həvalə etməniz tövsiyyə olunur.

Iqbal Rustamov
PashaPay-Advisor To Chief Executive Officer
Cooperation with Crocusoft company was memorable for us. The team consists of very dynamic, self-motivated members who are always there for their customers. We wish to do new projects with Crocusoft in the future.

Fuad Imanov
Triton Consulting LTD – Finance Manager
Crocusoft's responsible and professional team minimized our stress when starting the project. In addition, the innovative ideas they gave made the result magnificent. Thanks!

Farrukh Mahmudov
Director at AltÜsT Media
Software solutions by Crocusoft will create "AltÜst" effect on the sales of your company

Samir Karimov
189 TAXI - Director
Crocusoft company provided support in 189 TAXI applications, taking into account all our requirements and wishes. Excellent communication was established during the process, problems that arose were immediately intervened.

Orkhan Rzayev
ELeven Kings Game - CEO
The Crocusoft Team has professionally developed the initial version of our startup project. I am sure that working with this team will be a successful start for all projects.
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